
Our Services

Vitamin D


The capillary blood collected through finger prick test will undergo rapid test similar as Antigen test to identify the qualitative levels of vitamin D. The test enables to identify the levels of vitamin D as sufficient, insufficient, or deficient along with the recommendations.


  1. Remove all the contents from the kit after washing your hands with soap and water.
  2. Wipe the puncture site using alcohol swab and rotate and pull-out lancet.
  3. Press the lancet and allow free flow of blood drop and draw the blood using capillary drop.
  4. Squeeze the bulb of capillary dropper to the sample well (labelled as s).
  5. Add 2 drops of buffer provided in the buffer well and wait for 10 minutes. You should be able to interpret yourselves but if you need professional to interprets your test results then follow the step 6
  6. Take the picture of the test card with the test cartridge and send the Photo to enquiry@hasudiagnostics.com

Note: If you want to perform the test at our clinical site in Slough then the process will be followed by our clinician for you at no additional cost


Rapid test results within 30min

Locate our Medical Centre.

Medical Centre

Manor Park Medical Centre
2 Lerwick Drive, Slough Berkshire SL1 3XU, UK

Monday to Fridays 9AM to 5PM ||
Saturdays 9AM to 2PM ||
Sundays 9AM to 12PM